How To Make iPad or Tablet Case From an Old Sweater

You will need: 
-Old wool sweater [Sweater wool bekas]
-Scissors [Gunting]
-Needle and thread [Jarum dan benang] 
-iPad or kindle to use to measure [iPad atau semacamnya untuk takaran mengukur]

1.Put your iPad on the sweater to measure, remembering to leave a little extra space for seam allowance! 
[Letakkan iPad mu di atas sweater untuk mengukur, ingatlah untuk menyisakan ruang lebih untuk menjahit!]
2.Use the bottom of the sweater (where the knit is ribbed) as the top of the case. (if you want to use the upper parts of the sweater, you can, but I would cut the rectangles a little bit longer so that I could hem the two top pieces before sewing the case together)
[Gunakan bagian bawah sweater(yang bergaris) sebagai bagian atas casing. (Kalau mau menggunakan bagian atas tidak masalah, tapi lebih banyak menjahitnya dan lebih ribet.]
3.Cut out through both layers of the sweater. 
[Potong melalui kedua lapisan sweater.]
4.Sew the two sides and the bottom together with the "right sides" facing one another. Use a simple blanket stitch (google "blanket stitch" to learn how) 
[Jahit kedua sisi dan bawah bersama-sama dengan "kanan" berhadapan satu sama lain. Gunakan selimut stitch sederhana (google "selimut stitch" untuk belajar bagaimana)]
5.Turn your case right side out and it's ready to use! 
[Balikkan casing dan siap digunakan!]
TIP: These are really easy to create and they make great gifts. Make several! And if you wanted to get really fancy you could embroider names or messages on the case before you sew it together!
[Ini benar-benar mudah untuk dijadikan hadiah. Buat beberapa! Jika ingin lebih meriah atau mewah, kamu bisa menjahit nama atau pesan di casing.]
Easy right? Enjoy~!
(maaf kalo ada kata2 yang salah.. namanya juga manusia)

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